
Digitalization is creating new business models

Connected and smart, cutting-edge information and communication technologies, along with the associated digital value-adding processes, have become much more widespread in recent years.

Digitalization is creating new possibilities for future-focused business models at companies in all sectors of industry. It optimises processes, improving efficiency and productivity while also cutting costs.

Digitalization – as represented by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – is playing an increasingly important role in industry, with ever more frequent use being made of technologies such as the smart factory, predictive maintenance and the digital twin.This trend means the number of devices and connections that share data via the Internet is rising rapidly. 

Focus on security and data privacy – with cross-sector solutions

One of the biggest challenges associated with digitalization is security. A holistic approach is called for here because it is vital to protect the network, devices and – last but not least – the data they contain. The IT infrastructure’s scalability also plays a key role when it comes to meeting the future requirements associated with the digital transformation.

The wide-ranging portfolio from Rittal provides cross-sector solutions.

Our performance promise:

  • Thanks to the innovative, scalable VX IT rack system and the intelligent PDU (Power Distribution Unit)
  • Thanks to Rittal Edge Data Centers for Industry 4.0 applications
  • Thanks to Rittal IT cooling solutions for every requirement, with the focus on reliability and efficiency

Prediktivní údržba

Údržba uvnitř: prediktivní údržba

Prediktivní údržba je klíčem k rychlé a bezproblémové automatizované výrobě.

Průmysl 4.0

Vyšší efektivita a nové obchodní modely díky smart závodu

Propojením sítí a digitalizací výroby mohou společnosti splnit rostoucí očekávání zákazníků ohledně přizpůsobení, kvality a rychlého dodání produktů.

Bezpečnostní IT řešení

Bezpečnostní IT řešení pro kritickou IT infrastrukturu

Bezpečnost je nejdůležitějším bodem vaší IT infrastruktury. Hrajte na jistotu a chraňte své systémy před fyzickými a kybernetickými hrozbami.