
Mere produktiv via digitalisering og prototyping

95% of companies have boosted productivity, while also improving their products and services, thanks to digitalization.*

*According to the Digital Value 2018 survey of 200 decision-makers from a variety of sectors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Nøglen til øget produktivitet inden for tavlekonstruktion ligger i digital integration og generelt tilgængelige data langs hele værdiskabelseskæden. Digitale prototyper fra starten af – med den digitale tvilling i centrum – danner grundlag for hurtig opkobling på tværs af processer og systemer.

En hel verden af værktøjer til komplet engineering fra Eplan og Rittal står til rådighed. Via Eplan Data Portal kan du få fuldstændige produktdata fra Rittal og andre producenter – hurtigt og opdateret. Når det gælder 3D-understøttet konstruktion, står du godt rustet til fremtiden med Eplan Pro Panel.

Tekniske specifikationer

Producenten af skabe og tavleanlæg modtager kundedataene og validerer disse med hensyn til tilgængelighed af artikeldata, fuldstændighed og egnethed til de efterfølgende processer, f.eks. i forbindelse med konstruktion og arbejdsforberedelse. Om nødvendigt skal dataene forberedes tilsvarende. Derudover identificeres alle nødvendige kapslingsmuligheder og de dermed forbundne ekstra procestrin.

Our solutions

  • Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
  • Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
  • Boost the quality of your documentation significantly

More about EPLAN Data Portal

  • Keep all your system, machine or building data well-structured and in view at all times
  • Preplan fundamental information such as signal, pipework and cable data on a graphical basis for improved guidance
  • All relevant staff have easy access to engineering data captured from the early stages of the project – and retain this access throughout and beyond the project
  • Using EPLAN Preplanning in the quotation phase and seamlessly transferring data to engineering significantly reduces your development times

More about EPLAN Preplanning

  • From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
  • By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
  • You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
  • You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production

More about EPLAN Pro Panel

Teknisk rådgivning & design

Egnede løsninger til styretavlen, det nødvendige systemtilbehør, strømfordeling samt opvarmning, køling eller klimaudstyr fastlægges.

Our solutions

  • Our licence-free modular system ensures you benefit from significantly reduced planning, ordering and assembly outlay – simply select assemblies and place them on the graphic
  • Component parts lists, technical credentials and documentation are generated automatically
  • Technical support is available from Rittal on request

More about Power Engineering

  • Simply select enclosure and accessories and configure your new enclosure with ease
  • Cut-outs and drilled holes are planned and visualized in 3D in real time
  • Save a lot of time – production documents and data are generated automatically at the end of the configuration process: a CAD file for the entire configuration, a CNC file for straightforward machining, data with customer-specific configurations for forwarding to EPLAN Pro Panel
  • After the planning stage, you can submit an enquiry for the configuration or order it online directly

More about RiPanel


Ledningsdiagrammet er på den ene side den standardiserede funktionsbeskrivelse af den nødvendige automatiseringsteknologi, en maskine eller et anlæg, og på den anden side grundlaget for mange procestrin under produktfremstillingen, bl.a. inden for produktion af kapslinger til styringsteknik. Ledningsdiagrammet udarbejdes med specialudviklede ECAD-løsninger og er en elementær bestanddel af maskinen eller en "as built" produktdokumentation.

Our solutions

  • Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
  • Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
  • Boost the quality of your documentation significantly

More about EPLAN Data Portal

  • Choose between a graphical, logical or device-based project planning approach to support different working processes
  • Auto-connecting allows you to logically connect schematics symbols in no time at all
  • Reports such as terminal diagrams, wiring diagrams or bills of materials are generated automatically
  • Features for processing bulk data such as "find and replace" and "edit in Excel" accelerate the design process while increasing quality

More about EPLAN Electric P8

  • Save time by speeding up time-consuming steps and minimizing the need to consult specialist departments
  • Macro technology enables you to store standards and expertise in the system so they can be reused later on
  • Fluid technology can be planned in line with the latest ISO 1219 or IEC 81346 standards with a mechatronic approach

More about EPLAN Fluid

  • Generate circuit diagrams automatically at the touch of a button
  • Based on the standardized reuse of EPLAN macros
  • Boost quality in electrical and fluid documentation
  • Avoid copy and paste problems
  • Save on workload and costs

More about EPLAN Cogineer


Ledningsdiagrammet kontrolleres for overholdelse af standarder, fuldstændighed og korrekthed, før de efterfølgende processer gøres tilgængelige. Dermed undgår man fejl i de efterfølgende processer, f.eks. ved entydig betegnelse af komponenterne eller en fuldstændig beskrivelse af de elektriske forbindelser. Ideelt set foregår dette automatisk med understøttelse fra ECAD-softwaren.

Our solutions

  • Choose between a graphical, logical or device-based project planning approach to support different working processes
  • Auto-connecting allows you to logically connect schematics symbols in no time at all
  • Reports such as terminal diagrams, wiring diagrams or bills of materials are generated automatically
  • Features for processing bulk data such as "find and replace" and "edit in Excel" accelerate the design process while increasing quality

More about EPLAN Electric P8

  • Save time by speeding up time-consuming steps and minimizing the need to consult specialist departments
  • Macro technology enables you to store standards and expertise in the system so they can be reused later on
  • Fluid technology can be planned in line with the latest ISO 1219 or IEC 81346 standards with a mechatronic approach

More about EPLAN Fluid

Mekanisk layout

Under hensyntagen til kundens krav, opstillingsstedet, de omgivende betingelser og pladsbehovet (til installation af de elektriske og fluidtekniske komponenter angivet på ledningsdiagrammet) udvælges og dimensioneres en passende styretavle, og det nødvendige tilbehør tilføjes.

Our solutions

  • Simply select enclosure and accessories and configure your new enclosure with ease
  • Cut-outs and drilled holes are planned and visualized in 3D in real time
  • Save a lot of time – production documents and data are generated automatically at the end of the configuration process: a CAD file for the entire configuration, a CNC file for straightforward machining, data with customer-specific configurations for forwarding to EPLAN Pro Panel
  • After the planning stage, you can submit an enquiry for the configuration or order it online directly

More about RiPanel

  • Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
  • Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
  • Boost the quality of your documentation significantly

More about EPLAN Data Portal

  • From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
  • By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
  • You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
  • You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production

More about EPLAN Pro Panel

Digital tvilling

Med den digitale tvilling udarbejdes der en virtuel 3D-model over styretavlen baseret på samtlige engineering-data. Den digitale tvilling tilbyder mange muligheder, både for manuelle procestrin og for automatisering og digitalisering af procestrin under konstruktion af styretavlen, f.eks. mekanisk bearbejdning, kabelkonfektionering, ledningsføring og klemmemontage.

Den digitale tvilling indeholder al information om efterfølgende processer og stiller disse til rådighed for hvert enkelt procestrin i den nødvendige dybde og på det tidspunkt, hvor de skal bruges. Den digitale tvilling er dermed et centralt element i digitaliseringen og danner grundlag for optimering, automatisering og industrialisering af tavlekonstruktionsprocesserne.

Our solutions

  • From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
  • By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
  • You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
  • You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production

More about EPLAN Pro Panel

  • Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
  • Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
  • Boost the quality of your documentation significantly

More about EPLAN Data Portal

Termisk dimensionering

Kundens krav, de omgivende betingelser på opstillingsstedet, elektrotekniske komponenter og deres tabseffekt samt den digitale tvillings definerede montagelayout fastlægger rammebetingelserne for konfiguration og dimensionering af den optimale klimareguleringsløsning og den rigtige fordeling af luftstrømmene.

Our solutions

  • From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
  • By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
  • You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
  • You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production

More about EPLAN Pro Panel

  • Avoid planning mistakes thanks to the visualization of hot spots and exclusion zones dictated by ventilation requirements
  • Minimize downtimes and reduce the number of service assignments
  • Lower costs and improve process quality

More about Thermal Design Integration

  • Therm takes care of all aspects of complex calculations for climate control requirements
  • Benefit from huge time savings and improved reliability
  • The calculation produces an optimum climate control solution

More about Therm

  • Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
  • Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
  • Boost the quality of your documentation significantly

More about EPLAN Data Portal

Til næste procestrin: Indkøb


Rittal Configuration System

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