IT Security

IT is when things work

Companies’ business success now depends to an ever greater extent on digital systems. Production downtime used to be acceptable, but companies now need to be able to rely on the digital control of their production facilities at all times. A permanently available IT infrastructure is therefore one of the most important factors in efficient production.

IT security is paramount, especially in sectors that process sensitive data. Appropriate IT security measures ensure smooth business operations by protecting against physical hazards and cyber threats.

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Universal Investment

Data centre installed in record time

Dynamic company growth necessitated a move to bigger premises for asset management company Universal-Investment. The most time-critical item on the project agenda was setting up a new data centre in Frankfurt. Rittal supplied a data centre in just six...

Weiling GmbH

Organic products at high speed

The Coesfeld-based organics wholesaler Weiling needed a new, stable IT infrastructure to handle the logistics associated with its rapid growth.