
Open Standards for an Open Future

OCP-based Edge Data Center

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Responsible for about 3% of global electricity consumption, worldwide, data centers are one of the fastest growing energy users. The Facebook group Open Compute Project (OCP) and its partners aims to optimize energy consumption of large IT infrastructures and increase the scalability of IT systems through the use of standardized modules. As a leading manufacturer of IT infrastructure solutions, Rittal supports OCP and offers a universal OCP system composed of rack, power supply, and cooling. IT components, power shelves, and batteries are integrated into the solution with partners.

  • Uniform IT platform for data centers that are based on open standards of open source licenses 
  • Standards continue to be developed by all partners
  • Cost efficient and quickly implemented solutions for the 21” rack OCP basis
  • Standard rack or colocation rack
  • One or three busbars to ensure performance scalability
  • Saves energy and increases environmental friendliness

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