Everything is connected

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to all the computing devices that can connect to the Internet – from mobile phones to laptops to machines and factory systems. And maybe even your refrigerator. And all of these devices generate vast amounts of data.

These trends reflect an incredibly dynamic IT market that will impact future IT strategies and change our daily routines at work and at home.

Reaction without Delay
The sensors in the IoT devices deliver data that needs to be collected, processed, evaluated and saved – quickly and as close to the source as possible. This physical proximity is key to low latency.

Security First
Unauthorized access to confidential data can have political, economic, and even health implications. Protecting sensitive data and systems is a challenge in two main areas: digital data security, and physical access to and safeguarding of the data center and IT racks.

Significant Scalability
To keep up with the fast pace in the market, and to meet demands for efficiency, you have to install standardized and modular IT architecture solutions. These are scalable systems that you can adapt or expand performance based on demand. Standardization can also incorporate existing systems so you don’t have to start from scratch.

Uninterrupted Availability
An uninterrupted data connection between the solution and the data supplier is the most important prerequisite of data availability. In contrast to data security, availability depends on technical functionality. Even minor errors can have wide-reaching implications, especially in devices that work in single-digit milliseconds.