Compact enclosures

Wall-mounted enclosures EL

3-part wall-mounted enclosure with 482.6 mm (19") mounting level and designer glazed door. The vertically hinged desk unit provides optimum access to the installed components from the front and rear. The wall-mounting part allows cable entry from above or below.

Wall-mounted enclosures EL

AX wall-mounted enclosure, 3-part

The delivery concept of the three-part AX wall-mounted enclosures reduces complexity and enhances flexibility. The AX/VX modular system makes these enclosures suitable for a range of applications. The three-part structure ensures easy access.

Wall-mounted enclosures EL

Wall-mounted enclosures EL, 3-part pre-configured with mounting angles, depth-variable

Wall-mounted enclosure 3-part, pre-configured with: Solid gland plate, top, with brush strip at the bottom, mounting rails, C rails, outlet filter, earth rail, wall-mounting bracket

Wall-mounted enclosures EL

Wall-mounted enclosures EL, 3-part with punched rails and mounting angles, depth-variable

Wall-mounted enclosure 3-part, pre-configured with: Solid gland plate, top and bottom, punched rails, C rails, wall mounting bracket. Protection category IP 55.

Wall-mounted enclosures EL

Wall-mounted enclosures EL, 3-part with mounting plate and mounting angles, static installation

Wall-mounted enclosure 3-part, pre-configured with: Solid gland plate, top and bottom, mounting plate is supplied loose. Protection category IP 55.