Waste electrical equipment

Information requirements in accordance with the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)

Waste devices that are to be disposed of do not belong in the household waste. On the one hand, waste electrical equipment contains valuable resources that can be recovered and reused in recycling processes. It also contains harmful substances that must not be released into the environment under any circumstances.

Here you will find information about the rights and obligations arising from the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG).

The "crossed-out dustbin" symbol means that devices with this label are to be sent for disposal separately from unsorted municipal waste. Disposal in household waste, such as in the residual waste bin or yellow waste bin, is prohibited. Avoid incorrect sorting by disposing of these devices correctly at the special collection and return points.

If the products contain batteries, accumulators or lamps that can be removed from the waste device without destroying it, these must be removed and disposed of separately before disposal of the waste device.

Waste electrical equipment contains valuable metals and other materials that can be recycled.

This saves resources and is good for the environment. However, electrical devices often contain harmful substances. We are committed to the preservation of our environment and the sustainable conservation of natural resources.
In order to ensure the professional, environmentally friendly disposal and recycling of waste Rittal electrical equipment, we have set up a central collection point.

Please send your waste Rittal electrical equipment to the following address or contact us if you have another disposal request.

Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
Willi Kröckel Allee 100
Elektroaltgeräterücknahme GDC
35708 Haiger

Note: We must ask you to arrange the return of the products at your own expense. Rittal will pay the disposal costs.

We would like to point out to all end users of waste electrical and electronic equipment that they are responsible for deleting personal data on the waste equipment that is to be disposed of.

We are registered under the registration number DE 11161726 with stiftung elektro-altgeräte register, Nordostpark 72, 90411 Nürnberg, Germany, as a manufacturer of electrical and/or electronic equipment.