
Nous sommes prêts pour la santé numérique

La numérisation est en train de bouleverser de fond en comble le domaine de la santé. L’E-santé doit jouer un rôle essentiel dans les soins de santé – avec des services comme les consultations vidéo ou l’intégration de données portables pour le diagnostic ou le soin des patients. S’y ajoutent la mise en œuvre de solutions numériques dans les cabinets, cliniques et laboratoires. Rittal assiste le secteur de la santé dans cette révolution. Notre vaste expérience dans les domaines comme l’analyse des données, le stockage en toute sécurité de données confidentielles, la mise en réseau d’entreprises et d’infrastructures de toutes tailles ainsi que la conception et la mise à disposition de systèmes fiables nous y aident.

Strong IT partners for an increasingly digital healthcare system

Patients are very enthusiastic about the new possibilities of digitalization in healthcare. Indeed, the number of video consultations has been growing steadily since GPs started offering this option. They are used by patients who find it difficult to leave the house and by people who struggle to free up time in their busy work schedules to visit the doctor. Video consultations are just one example of how digital services are revolutionizing the healthcare sector. Networked blood sugar measuring devices and wearables with an ECG function enable doctors to record patients’ vitals while they are going about their everyday lives. All kinds of networked diagnostic devices are giving surgeries and hospitals more options. In addition to this, Silicon Valley is producing a whole host of health tech innovations that are designed to detect diseases sooner or treat them in a more targeted way and thus with greater success. Technologies and solutions such as big data and artificial intelligence are playing an ever greater role in these innovations.

The importance of IT solutions in healthcare has already increased massively

This trend will continue in the years ahead. Imaging test methods generate large volumes of data that need to be managed, processed, evaluated and stored very quickly. Healthcare service providers must be able to rely on the functionality and accuracy of instruments, sensors and applications in operating theatres and when monitoring patients. This means hospitals and other medical service providers require edge computing solutions to analyse large volumes of data. Sensitive digital patient files and the associated diagnostic data must be stored securely and reliably but, where necessary, it must also be easy to share the relevant information to allow closer collaboration between healthcare professionals.

Bespoke IT solutions from Rittal help doctors and patients alike

The healthcare system needs strong partners with IT expertise who understand its requirements while also ensuring optimum information and data security, maximum availability and reliable continuity. We help surgeries, hospitals, pharmacies and healthcare service providers cure patients faster and improve people’s health and quality of life using state-of-the-art technology. We offer sound expertise and custom edge computing solutions to analyze large volumes of data. Several surgeries or sites can use a private cloud to form a network. We ensure the ultimate in IT and data security with the relevant certifications. In addition to all this, our portfolio covers both physical and system-based protection of the IT infrastructure – against unauthorized access, for example.

Sécurité IT

IT c’est quand ça fonctionne

L’IT fonctionne parfaitement, la production se déroule sans défauts. La sécurité IT optimale est à l'œuvre.

B. Braun

Une salle informatique pour les exigences de l’industrie 4.0 en un tour de main

Les experts IT chez B. Braun, un fabricant de pointe au niveau mondial de produits médicaux et pharmaceutiques, se trouvaient devant un vrai défi : une nouvelle fabrication ultramoderne nécessitait l’extension rapide de l’infrastructure IT.