Italian retailer

Perfect service

Imagine a supermarket’s supplies of coffee beans are running short. The supermarket responds by placing an automated order with its wholesaler. The customer, who – according to the popular slogan – is always right, notices nothing of the supposed bottleneck and can still enjoy his morning cup of hot, steaming coffee. Scenarios like this one are already being simulated at a large Italian supermarket chain. 

The company relies on IT infrastructure from Rittal to give its customers a unique shopping experience and to ensure the high availability of its IT processes.

Its supermarkets, which are often located on the outskirts of cities, will gradually be equipped with an identical Rittal IT solution. The Rittal Edge Data Centre consists of two TS IT racks, equipped with two power distribution units and the CMC III monitoring solution, and does not require a separate room for installation. Each racks are cooled by a Blue e+ cooling unit mounted on the roof. The goal is to establish a consistent and standardised IT infrastructure in all supermarkets that guarantees high availability of all IT processes and thus a unique customer experience. To that end, in the future the price tags are to be digitised, for instance. During special promotion weeks, there is no need to replace the paper labels on the product or shelf. But even then, you want to make sure that the cash register knows the price and that the customer is charged correctly. In fact, the IT in the supermarket must function smoothly. After all, payment is also made via the customer’s smartphone, which is faster than counting the cash.

Should the system fail after all, a service level agreement with Rittal ensures that a technician will show up within four hours.


Italian Retailer
different locations, Italy

High IT availability for digital processes in the supermarket (e.g. through digital price tags or payment via smartphones)

Uniform and standardised IT infrastructure

No separate rooms necessary for IT infrastructure


Rittal Edge Data Centre in every supermarket

High availability of IT processes

PDU switched for power distribution

Blue e+ roof-mounted refrigerator ensures high energy efficiency

Seamless monitoring by CMC III